
The white powdery shapes of very well known logos of the world's most powerful sports manufacturers, as if the drug dealer
has just been by. Copywriter Primoz Mahne (26), together with graphic designer Ivona Sutila (28 and both from Slovenia), came
up with the images above as a protest against the shopping craze/addiction in our western civilization. They are to be found
on the memefest.org website: an organization that is aimed at recreating a balance in this brand crazy world through creative
anti-brand campaigns. Because, shop-aholics are not only a danger to their own credit cards but even more so to the environment
and the unfair rich-poor distribution on mother earth. One out of every ten woman in the USA suffers from a severe form of
shopping addiction and at least one out of three is a borderline case. Luckily there are more and more help organizations
to help these delirious shoppers kick their habit. Verdant.net and creativeaction.org give handy tips to suppress the over-consumer
in us. Seedsofsimplicity.org and sustainableenterprises.com, heavily Oprah-like, do group consuming and advocate a simpler
lifestyle. Stopshopping.org especially shows that one can also put pressure on politicians. And for those who despite of all
this cannot stop consuming, responsibleshopper.org gives handy information on the ethics of hundreds of big brands.











